WESST President Retiring at Year-End  

The long-time President of WESST, Agnes Noonan, will be retiring at the end of the year, fulfilling a 33-year career with the organization. She joined WESST in 1991, two years after the organization was founded in Albuquerque. Under her leadership, WESST expanded its small business assistance services statewide in 1995, opening offices in Farmington, Las Cruces, Rio Rancho, Roswell and Santa Fe.  In 2009, WESST opened the WESST Enterprise Center in downtown Albuquerque which houses WESST’s business incubation program and the Studio at WESST. In 2025, WESST will unveil a new professional sound studio at the WESST Enterprise Center.   

“It has been my life’s work to advocate on behalf of women, people of color and low wealth individuals who have experienced historical barriers to entrepreneurship,” said Noonan. “I have been so blessed over the years to collaborate with incredible staff, board members, donors, volunteers and community partners who share in WESST’s vision for a more equitable economy.  We’ve made excellent progress over the past 35 years and I’m excited about the next chapter in WESST’s history.   We are engaged in innovative work around the state and I know WESST is poised to make continued, meaningful impact on the lives of the New Mexicans we serve.”  

During her tenure, WESST has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including AREA’s inaugural Community Leadership Award, New Mexico Ethics in Business Award, Diverse Business Champion of the Year, SBA Microlender of the Year and the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship.  Noonan is a past recipient of the SBA Legacy Award, Top-Performing CEO,   

New Mexico Business Hall of Fame and an inaugural honoree of ABQ Business First’s Women of Influence awards. 

“During my time on the Board, I have witnessed WESST’s ability to address business training and development needs of their clients’ businesses with innovative programs and partnerships with corporations and communities throughout New Mexico. It is truly remarkable and a testament to Agnes’ leadership and the development of an executive team and staff that are focused on achieving WESST’s mission. The search for a new president is underway and we are looking forward to having the position filled before year end,” states Cheryl Hardt, Chair of WESST’s Board of Directors.