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Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Small Businesses

…have to work smarter, run leaner, think better, educate myself more, and make connections – and so on – to succeed.” A side note here to explain about Jackye’s approach

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Client Spotlight – On The Spot Cleaning

…run it I need to possess an “investment mindset.” To explore that a little further, what I mean is that whether dealing with people or business processes, one must approach

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5 Cautionary HR Lessons from “House of Cards”

…is exactly what happens to Claire. Having difficult conversations with employees isn’t something a manager should do alone. Once adverse action has been threatened, the manager should never approach the…

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Announcing more new HOPE Loans!

WESST launched the HOPE Fund (Helping Open Possibilities for Everyone) in 2020, a “no barriers to accessing capital” approach for people of color and low-wealth New Mexicans. We’re proud to…

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About Us

…of color and low-wealth New Mexicans. WESST’s core services include business consulting, training, incubation and access to capital. We employ a “no barriers to entry” approach which means there are…

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Our Mission, Vision and Values

…the focus for our organization and define how we approach everything that we do. Video production donation by our partners at Comcast Our Mission WESST’s mission is to be a…

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Start a Business

…plan is essential for every entrepreneur. This is true whether or not you need to raise money to start up your business-even if you don’t need to approach a bank…

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Melissa Toland Williams Co-Facilitates Training at CBA’s 10th Annual Credit Building Symposium

…Clients regularly approach WESST in search of support to help establish and/or build credit, so having an opportunity to receive coaching from a certified expert provides our clients with both…

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Business Training and Workshops

Aquí puede encontrar Información sobre Cursos de Capacitación Empresarial en español WESST offers a variety of single and multi-session training and workshops that provide a “deep-dive” approach to learning about…

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Incubator Graduates

…affordable rate. Our proactive approach to Information Technology (IT) management provides a secure and reliable platform that allows you to focus on your business instead of the management of your…

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