Search Results: American Customer Care 1800-299-7264 Phone Number

Perform Your Own Marketing Checkup in Two Easy Steps

…that need your attention. Prioritize the list, and calendar some time to begin on item one. Customer Communication If you have begun to use social media as a way to…

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Part 1: What Every Successful Business Owner Should Know About Their Business

…blog and develop the remaining three in subsequent updates. The four items are: The Business Development Plan The Daily Cash Flow Break-Even Sales Point The Ideal Customer Profile Employee Tasks,…

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Redefining Business to Survive

…how they are always, “new and improved?” Hmm, makes you wonder! Even though customers have been loyal for years, distance or convenience might seduce them away to a competitor. This…

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Can I Sell My Products or Services?

…levels, buying habits, gender, and marital status are among some of the key factors that identify potential customers. The reason for gathering this information is to better target customers like…

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Can I Sell My Products and Services…Abroad?

…potential customers would need or want, what you could realistically charge. That doesn’t mean that you didn’t spend hours researching as anyone should do who is starting a business. That…

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Hair West Salon

…several years of experience under her belt, a strong service ethic, a loyal customer base and a mind for marketing, Jessica’s realized her dream – owning and operating her own…

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Don’t Give Your Business Away

…media coverage/recognition. For example, our client, the restaurant owner, donated a portion of her catering for a networking event where, as a result, she acquired new customers and received a…

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5 Key Steps of Home-Based Business, Part 3: Keep on Tracking

…getting the results desired? If not, why? Analyze why your customers are buying your products/services (out of need or want). – What are the other factors as to why customers…

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Universal Truths for Small Businesses

…does what I do/sells what I sell. I don’t have any real competition because my product or service is totally unique.” That may be true. But customer dollars are finite….

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P/7 Construction

…WESST. Holly is also assisting Kurt search for grants and funding for Native American owned businesses and capitalizing on the opportunity of obtaining a physical office space in the renovated…

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