The WESST Visionaries

WESST extends sincere thanks to our fabulous WESST Visionaries. Their multi-year commitment to support WESST’s mission maximize the federal support WESST receives that requires non-federal matching dollars. WESST visionaries are helping small businesses grow and prosper.

Sally and Ken Adams
Emily and Garrett Allen
Angela Anderson and David Hughes
Dave Baland and Ann Vlad
Alan and Audrey Bell
Molly Bell and Charles Springer
Mike Bickel
Julia Bowdich and John Carey
Mariam and James Bruce
CamNet, Inc.
Ken and Teresa Carson
Ryan Centerwall
Ann M. Conway
Brett Cooper
Linda Cooper
Kristine Crowell
Dave Davis
J.R. and Peggy Dotson
Frank Fine & Leslee Richards

Galek Properties LLC
Ann Gateley
Dub and Robin Girand
Galek Properties LLC
Joyce Godwin
Cheryl Hardt
Debbie Johnson
Vic and Mary Jury
Jim and Ellen King
Katie Knipe
David Leith
Jim and Rebecca Long and Heritage Hotels & Resorts
Mike and Mary Lowrimore
Joellyn Murphy
Mark J. Napolin & Associates
Leslie Neal
Rob and Bobbi Kay Nelson
Anne Nokes

Agnes Noonan
Brigid Noonan
Anna O’Connell
Valeria Olave
Georgie Ortiz
Cara Gordon Potter
Bettye Pressley
Carol Radosevich
Steve and Marjorie Rogers
Charlotte and Stuart Schoenmann
Duffy and Jean Ann Swan
TAL Realty
Cesare Tonini
Tracy and Ann Utterback
Mary Wiederholt
Jennifer Wilson Real Estate LLC
Peter and Kathie Winograd
Judy Zanotti

To learn how you can become a WESST Visionary, please call VP of Development Katie Knipe at 505-246-6935 or email at

To make a Visionary installment payment online, click here

Individuals and Community Leaders Coming Together to Support Small Business Growth

WESST Visionaries are a passionate group of individuals and small businesses committed to supporting local economic development through entrepreneurship. WESST Visionaries understand that starting and growing a small business takes a lot of hard work, patience and time. Success does not happen overnight. WESST Visionaries believe that anyone can achieve their entrepreneurial dreams if they are willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to reach business success. Each year, WESST is the proud recipient of federal funding which supports our work with entrepreneurs. In order to access these federal funds, WESST must raise matching funds at a ratio of 1 to 1. Your commitment to becoming a WESST Visionary is critical to sustaining our work with entrepreneurs over the long term. We invite you to help us bring about powerful change and create sustainable economic and social impact for our families and our communities.

The Economic Impact of My Contribution

  • I will be helping to create jobs by helping women and men start and grow successful businesses;
  • I will be supporting my local economy by helping WESST build a strong entrepreneurial infrastructure;
  • Every dollar that I contribute will be matched dollar for dollar by federal sources.

The Social Impact of My Contribution

  • By supporting WESST, I will be reaching aspiring entrepreneurs in communities across New Mexico. I understand that WESST collaborates with many organizations to make the best possible resources available to entrepreneurs.
  • I will be helping individuals become self-sufficient through entrepreneurship to break the cycle of poverty.

The Marketing Impact of My Contribution

I will receive recognition on WESST’s Lifetime Giving Wall, in printed materials and on the WESST website.

I will be given the opportunity to be the presenting sponsor at a WESST workshop and to provide a subject matter expert to lead the workshop in order to showcase my company’s expertise in a specific small business area.

Our Donors