WESST Client Profiles

The Magic Cookery & Naples Drizzle

The Magic Cookery offers a full-service professional commissary kitchen for
food service providers. Designed with the client in mind, The Magic
Cookery is fully registered and compliant with the FDA. In addition to
kitchen services, they offer packaging and bottling facilities. Additionally,
The Magic Cookery is home to Naples Drizzle their original manufacturing
brand. Naples Drizzle is a line of hot sauces that include their best selling
namesake Italian hot sauce.

Cheryl Coleman along with her co-owner Davey Parker initially started
their Naples Drizzle hot sauce company, and soon realized the need for
support for other entrepreneurs like themselves. They noted how much a
commissary kitchen helped them in the early days of Naples Drizzle and this
was the driving force behind The Magic Cookery.

WESST Business Consultant and Trainer Neema Pickett showed up
repeatedly for Cheryl on days when she needed a hug and encouragement.
Cheryl stated Neema shows “the dedication and care for black women in
business and recognizing our service to the community gives us strength”.
She hopes to see more opportunities to build connection with our

Client Details


Cheryl Coleman


The Magic Cookery & Naples Drizzle

"Being an entrepreneur is worth the work. It’s different working for someone else. I can control things. We make the decisions; we are in a position of strength. We are the ones making the decisions bad or good and we can live with it. What we bring to the community young and old is an opportunity to give them possibility…there is no such thing as success, life is a journey. You may not know that you’re helping someone else when you are. I thought I was giving someone a service, but it turns out they help you and you help them, it’s reciprocal."
Cheryl Coleman
Albuquerque, NM

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