Celebrating Agnes’s Retirement: Congratulations, Agnes! 🎉
On December 5, 2024, we gathered with friends from far and wide to celebrate the retirement of WESST’s President of 33 years, Agnes Noonan. Agnes is a visionary nonprofit leader in our community and a trailblazer for women and all New Mexicans who want to start and grow a small business. The WESST Enterprise Center was filled with people who have been inspired and impacted by Agnes’s leadership. We were thrilled to welcome many community leaders and friends of WESST and Agnes who shared stories and well wishes at the retirement celebration, including the…
5 Key Steps of Home-Based Businesses, Part 1: Look Before Leaping
Starting a business is often like “feast or famine”. On one hand, there is the entrepreneur who has over-researched, planned, tested, borrowed, and sought out people “in the know” before making the big leap; on the other hand, there is the small business want-to-be who has done nothing but is ready to plunge just the same.
Public Relations Puts Your Business on the Map for Free
Across the country, traditional media (newspapers, magazines, television and radio) have cut resources to save money. Today’s reporters begin research online and you can help them by providing information they can access 24/7 on your website. In this article, Mary Ellen Merrigan shows you five sectors where you can start getting the word out about your business for free.
How to Stand Out on LinkedIn: 12 LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers
Whether you’re looking for a job or looking for new clients, having a presence on LinkedIn means that people who are looking for someone with your experience will be able to find you. Knowing how to leverage LinkedIn to its full extent can help you connect with people who can make an introduction that might eventually lead to work. The key, of course, is knowing how to make the right connections.
Is Business Incubation Right for Your Business?
It was certainly the case nearly 50 years ago with the unintended creation of the business incubation industry. The international business incubation movement began in New York with a businessman, an empty building and an idea of mentoring young companies through their early years – the most vulnerable period of their lives. That idea has grown worldwide to over 6,000 incubators, 1400+ of which are located in the United States.