The Women’s Economic Self-Sufficiency Team dba WESST is a statewide 501(c)(3) small business assistance organization committed to supporting individuals in New Mexico who want to start a business or improve the performance of an existing one. Founded by three women in 1989, WESST proudly serves all New Mexicans who want to start and grow a small business.
WESST’s core services include business consulting, training, incubation, and access to capital. We employ a “no barriers to entry” approach which means there are no prerequisites that clients have to present, nor do they have to “qualify” or be “selected” for assistance. We are committed to helping transform our clients’ lives by creating a pathway to business success. WESST’s role is to educate, encourage, and inspire our clients to achieve their business goals.
To make our services as accessible as possible, WESST offers training and consulting in both English and Spanish. Physical accessibility is provided through our 7 offices in Albuquerque, Farmington, Hobbs, Las Cruces, Rio Rancho, Roswell, and Santa Fe. Each office hosts a Women’s Business Center, funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration. WESST is also an SBA Microlender and a CDFI.
Awards and Recognitions
- Family Friendly New Mexico - NM Family Friendly Business Platinum Award, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016.
- Small Business Administration - New Mexico Microlender of the Year, 2025, 2024
- Albuquerque Economic Development - Community Leadership Award, 2019
- City of Albuquerque & Albuquerque Community Foundation - Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship - 2017, 2016, 2015
- Samaritan Counseling Center - New Mexico Ethics in Business Award, 2011
- Small Business Administration - Women’s Business Center of Excellence Award, 2010
- CNNmoney.com - Seven Hottest Start-up Incubators, 2010
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - Best Practice Program (Capital Access for Women: Profile and Analysis of U.S. Best Practice Programs, 2007.
- International Women’s Forum - Corporations that Make a Difference, 1993
Our Mission
WESST is a home to entrepreneurs providing a support system of consulting, training, incubation, and lending to help New Mexicans strengthen and grow their small businesses through sustainable business models, financial empowerment, and job creation.
WESST es un hogar para los emprendedores, brindando un sistema de apoyo a través de asesoria, capacitación, incubación y financiamiento para ayudar a todos los Nuevo Mexicanos a iniciar, fortalecer y hacer crecer sus pequeñas empresas mediante modelos de negocio sostenibles, empoderamiento financiero y la creación de empleos.
Our Vision
We believe passionately in the power of sustainable entrepreneurship to change the lives of individuals, families, and communities. Access and opportunity to do so is a basic human right.
Creemos apasionadamente en el poder del emprendimiento sostenible para transformar la vida de las personas, familias y comunidades. El acceso y la oportunidad para lograrlo son un derecho humano fundamental.
Our Values
We serve all New Mexicans who aspire to start and grow a business, ensuring access to resources regardless of background or circumstance. We equip entrepreneurs with tools to develop financial literacy, access capital, and build sustainable businesses.
We are dedicated to strengthening New Mexico’s small business ecosystem and fostering economic growth. We are deeply connected to the people and businesses of New Mexico, working to create lasting economic opportunities.
We work with organizations, lenders, and business leaders to create a strong support system for entrepreneurs. We believe that thriving small businesses create stronger communities, and we work to build networks of support across the state.
We are committed to doing what we say we will do so that our various stakeholders are confident that WESST is a trustworthy organization making economic impact in New Mexico. We strive for quality, excellence, and integrity in our communications, standards, processes, leadership, planning, programming, and execution.
We value above all our ability to serve our clients by constantly adapting program services so that client needs are effectively met in a constantly changing marketplace. We embrace change and continuously improve our programs to meet the evolving needs of small businesses.
Valores de WESST
Servimos a todos los habitantes de Nuevo México que aspiran a iniciar y hacer crecer un negocio, asegurando el acceso a recursos sin importar su origen o circunstancias. Brindamos a los emprendedores las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar educación financiera, acceder a capital y construir negocios sostenibles.
Estamos dedicados a fortalecer el ecosistema de pequeñas empresas en Nuevo México y fomentar el crecimiento económico. Tenemos un vínculo profundo con las personas y negocios de nuestro estado, trabajando para crear oportunidades económicas duraderas.
Trabajamos con organizaciones, prestamistas y líderes empresariales para crear un sólido sistema de apoyo para los emprendedores. Creemos que las pequeñas empresas prósperas crean comunidades más fuertes, y trabajamos para construir redes de apoyo en todo el estado.
Rendición de Cuentas
Estamos comprometidos a cumplir lo que decimos que haremos para que nuestras comunides confíen en que WESST es una organización de confianza que genera impacto económico en Nuevo México. Buscamos la calidad, la excelencia y la integridad en nuestras comunicaciones, estándares, procesos, liderazgo, planificación, programas y ejecución.
Valoramos, por encima de todo, nuestra capacidad de servir a nuestros clientes adaptando constantemente nuestros programas y servicios para satisfacer eficazmente sus necesidades en un mercado en constante cambio. Aceptamos el cambio y mejoramos continuamente nuestros programas para responder a las necesidades emergentes de las pequeñas empresas.